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What can happen here.

This is a site for discussion...about addictions, addictive behavior, relationships and other aspects of addictions.

It is also a place to discuss educational concerns in general, or specifically.

Let's see what develops as we move forward with a respectful and informative process.

Lina Liken, Ed.D., CAP

Do you, your friends, or your family have issues or questions about addictions? Let's talk.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gaming isolation and abuse

Last night a Mom spoke with me about her son who games, eats, games and refuses to leave the house for anything. He lacks all human contact out of the house and considers that his post high school life is complete. Does this seem to be a trend with others, what age brackets are being affected? Is this a new 'normal'?


  1. I am of the very humble opinion that isolation is further fueled by today's technology. The internet, texting, email and, yes, even facebook have eliminated physical human contact and reduced relationships to text on a screen. Recently, a friend asked her spouse for a divorce via text. He agreed - via text. A growing trend among dating teens is to break up using a text message. You no longer have to look someone in the face when you break their heart. Unfortunately, Lina, it is the new 'normal' and Generation 'Y' will bear the brunt of it. I doubt that a simple walk in the park, a cup of coffee with a friend or even family game nights will even be remembered or practiced.

  2. Cali, what a tragedy. I agree with all you have said. What recommendations do you have for interventions? Thanks. Lina
